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Royal Twisted Oak Hiking Stick
Royal Twisted Oak Hiking Stick

Royal Twisted Oak Hiking Stick

Price: $129.95
Part # :RTO

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RTO - The Royal Twist Oak Hiking Stick- A handcrafted treasure with a distinctive oak knob. Each walking stick is sanded down, stained and sprayed with a clear coat lacquer. The result is a smooth finish that highlights the wood's intrinsic beauty.

This hiking stick is a dream to maintain. Just lightly sand down the area that is scratched with either fine sand paper or with fine grade steel wool, wipe clean with a dry cloth and then spray with a clear lacquer.

Due to a fire at the Brazo factory in February 2021, they have discontinued all but their top sellers.  What you see here is all that we have left in stock of this particular product as they are no longer making them.

Remember to Walk in Style and Walk in with a Smile ®

  • RTO-R Red
  • RTO-T Tan

Length - approx. 58"
Tip Size - approx. 1"
Weight of Hiker - approx. 1.5Lbs
Weight Bearing - up to 230 Lbs

5 Stars
Good quality
Looks good Feels solid I bought this for walking the dog, during icy conditions. It has helped me keep my footing, allowing me to safely do a chore that can’t be put off.
Reviewed by:  from Lethbridge AB. on 11/10/2023

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